
What the bird needs

Like other animals, birds require carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins in their feed. At different times of their life birds will require rations that contain different amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. The ration will change with the requirements of the bird. Young birds need a ration which is rich in protein while laying birds need plenty of minerals.

For chickens, whole grain can be scattered over the run encouraging birds to scratch as they feed and so take in minerals from the soil.  Always clean out unused feed daily. Green vegetables can be hung up in the run to encourage the birds to show an interest and not peck at each other

Young birds need a ration which is rich in protein while laying birds need plenty of minerals.


Different feeds are important for the nutrients which they contain.

  • Carbohydrates are found in grains which can be fed whole or ground as meal. Birds can be given corn, rice, maize, barley, oats, sorghum, finger and bulrush millet, or bran from rice or other grains.
  • Cake from the processing of groundnuts, cottonseed or dates can also provide carbohydrate and protein. Soya bean meal also contains proteins. These types of protein-rich feeds are from plants while animal products such as fish meal, milk powder and dried blood also contain proteins and can be fed to birds.
  • Birds must not be given too much animal protein. Not only is it expensive but too much of it may cause some diseases to occur in the animals. Too much fish meal can make eggs taste fishy.
  • Fats are found in cottonseed, groundnuts and sunflowers.
  • Minerals are in bone meal (ground bone) egg shells and old seashells which can be ground and added to the feed. If cuttlefish bone is available locally it is an excellent source of minerals.
  • Vitamins may be supplied by adding green plants to the feed or by adding commercially produced vitamins.

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